[SUPERIOR TEAK OIL REPLACEMENT WOOD PROTECTION] Use this teak protector for wood surfaces throughout your boat and get high-quality protection that you know you can trust. One gallon treats up to 600 ft2 (57 m2). One quart treats up to 150 ft2 (14.25 m2).
[TEAK PROTECTOR] Forms a protective, water and oil barrier that also resists UV rays, salt, rain, oil, and dirt.
[MARINE CLEANING PRODUCTS SAFE FOR MULTIPLE WOOD SURFACE] Can be used as a teak protector or for use on many other wood varieties.
[EXCEPTIONAL PERFORMANCE] Utilizes the latest chemical technology to ensure that you get the best results with every single use.
[LESS MAINTENANCE] Protective properties significantly reduce teak maintenance intervals.

Fishing rod angle rack-DITEC Marine - Triton Teak Protector